How to Pay

If you need to complete a payment, related to your stay in any of my PMMApartments, you can use one of the following available options:

Revolut Payments

This is the easiest and fastest way to complete the payment. Revolut is used by billions of users around the world for transactions without any taxes, splitting bar bills between friends, investing in crypto, gold, company shares and much, much more. The process involves only a few steps:

A. Follow this link:
B. In the field “How much do you want to send?”, enter the amount of your stay. Select the correct currency.
C. The “Note” field is optional, but you can enter the dates of your stay.
D. Click “Pay with Card”
E. Enter your card details. Don’t worry, you pay entirely through the Revolut site and I don’t get your card details.
F. Click “Continue”

If you want to register with Revolut, the process takes only 3 steps:

Ако желаете да се регистрирате в Revolut, процесърт отнема само 3 стъпки:

  1. Sign-up for Revolut – If you are not yet a Revolut user, you can sign up for the service by clicking HERE. The process is very fast and straight forward.
  2. Fund your Revolut account – You can do this through your Debit / Credit card or a bank transfer. More info here.
  3. Transfer the payment:

Once you have a funded Revolut account, you can complete the payment for your stay in the PMMApartment. To do this, follow my Revolut Payment Page:

If you have a PayPal account, you can do the payment through it. NB! You need to add 2% PayPal transaction fee to the amount you are paying. If you need to pay me 50 EUR, your payment should be: 100 + 2% = 100 + 2 = 102 EUR

Wire Transfer Between Banks Within European Union:

Bank Transfer

Титуляр: Пламен Мартинов
IBAN: BG95BPBI79241060172204
Банка: Юробанк България АД
Валута: Български лева (BGN)

Wire Transfer Between Banks Outside of European Union:

Please, use this method only if you are ordering a Wire transfer from outside of the European Union . NB! You need to add 2% Wise transaction fee to the amount you are paying. The field “Recipient gets” must be equal to the amount you need to pay for your stay. To complete the payment, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Log into your account with
  2. Navigate to the Send page:
  3. At the first step: “Аmount”, enter an amount which въведете такава сума, че крайната сума, която ще получим (видима в полето “Recipient gets” трябва да съвпада със сумата за престоя ви.
  4. At step two: “Recipient // Who are you sending money to?“, Choose the option: “Someone else”
  5. A window will pop-up: “Send to someone else”. enter this email address in the field “Their email”: [email protected] . If you filled the email address correctly, you will see this confirmation message:

    Plamen Martinov is already on Wise, and would like to receive EUR in the following account

    If you see this confirmation message, click “Confirm” .
  6. On the following screen, check the transfer details before confirming it.